Custom Component Deployment

Custom Component Preparation

To create a custom component that meets your specific needs or customize an existing use case with the Augmatrix platform, follow these steps using the Augmatrix Starter Package Kit and Augmatrix SDK

  1. Access the Augmatrix Platform: Begin by logging into the Augmatrix platform.

  2. Navigate to the Creation Page: Find and select the "Create Component" page within the platform.

  3. Download the Starter Kit: Obtain the Starter Kit from GitHub, which contains essential files and code for your custom component.

  4. Customize Your Component: Modify the code within the Starter Kit according to your requirements. This step allows you to tailor the functionality and features of your component to fit your needs precisely.

  5. Install the Augmatrix SDK: To ensure your custom component can communicate and operate within the Augmatrix ecosystem, install the Augmatrix Software Development Kit (SDK).

  6. Submit Your Custom Component: Once your component is ready, and you've tested it to ensure it meets your requirements, send the file to Augmatrix for review.

  7. Await Code Review: The Augmatrix team will review your submission to ensure it meets their standards and is compatible with their platform. This process is crucial for maintaining the quality and functionality of components within the Augmatrix ecosystem.

  8. Component Activation: After a successful code review, your custom component will be activated and made available for your account. You can then integrate and use it within your projects on the Augmatrix platform.

This process allows you to extend and customize the capabilities of the Augmatrix platform to better serve your unique needs, enhancing your projects with tailored components.

Last updated