
Flow-page Overview

The Flow-page serves as a canvas where you can construct workflows by connecting pre-built Components. Here's a breakdown of the key elements and functionalities.


  • Workspace: This is where you drag and drop components from the component menu. Configure inputs using the editor menu and save or start the process of the Component here.

  • Component Menu: Pre-built components are listed here for selection.

  • Marketplace : Download components from marketplace to the component menu.

  • Editor Menu: Make changes to the workspace as per your requirements.

  1. Editor menu

  • Save: Preserve created components for future modification or processing.

  • Run : Run individual components one-by-one to perform specific functions.

  • Undo: Reverse the last user action in case of mistakes or changes of mind.

  • Lock: Restrict Component movement in the workspace by locking components; unlock to enable movement.

  • Notification: it contains product updates, Workflow Notifications etc.

  • Menu: In this menu you can see these options.

  • Run All: Execute all functions sequentially after configuring Component properties and inputs without interruption.

  • Zoom In: Enlarge workflow for focusing on specific details.

  • Fit: Adjust workflow to fit within the visible or reset to original size.

  • Zoom Out: Reduce the size of displayed content to see more on the screen at once.

  • Deploy: When ready to take use cases live, deploy seamlessly using various modes (scheduled, Web Endpoint, or Event Driven).

  • Redo: Repeat the last undone action, useful for correcting mistakes or reapplying changes.

  • Console: The Console lets you see the activity logs of each Component in your workflow. This helps you track what each Component is doing and if there are any issues.

Crafting Your Workflow: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. The Art of Drag and Drop

    • Move Components from the Component store to the workspace with ease. It's all about matching the right components, like fitting puzzle pieces together based on their data types.

  2. Understanding Component State:

  • First DOT Indicates Component Status

  • Second DOT Indicates RUN status

  1. There are different Colours to indicate component Issues

    • Red Colour Indicates Error

    • Yellow Colour indicates Warning

    • Blue Colour Indicates Success

    • Grey Colour Indicates Not Configured

  2. Component States:

  • Configuration Errors: Think of these as alerts that something's not quite right with your setup.

  • Runtime Warning : These indicate issues with a few of yours data, and rest of the data is successfully processed.

  • Runtime error: These indicate, the Component ran without data and correct Configurations.

  • Success Indicators: This indicates Your Component is correctly configured, and your data is flowing smoothly.

  1. Connecting Components: The Right Fit

    • Correct Connection: ensure the data types align for a perfect fit.

    • Incorrect connection: this means you've connected but issue with data type mismatch

  2. Dive into Component Data

    • Observe the Component you're able to understand the data type, if you hover into the connection or node point you're able to see the variables.

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